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Peacemaker (2022) - Episode 08 Compositing Work

Working on Peacemaker is probably the most fun I've ever had while compositing on a show. The Project was created at Weta FX (formally Weta Digital). On Episode 08, I had a chance to help lookdev in compositing the light interactions of the environment with the CG Alien cow, controlling how much the light teslas illuminates it, how moody and dark the cave would be with the cow, and how much we should be seeing of the alien. It was quite the fun project to be part of and probably one of the coolest creatures I've ever worked on.

The Cow before the lights: Full CG +FX Teslas Compositing Integration + Compositing lookdev to set up the overall light amount and image shaping of the cow within the cave.

The Cow before the lights: Full CG +FX Teslas Compositing Integration + Compositing lookdev to set up the overall light amount and image shaping of the cow within the cave.

The Cow after the lights: Full CG +FX Teslas Compositing Integration + Compositing lookdev. 
2D atmos + Cow lights being procedurally controlled by the shape of the teslas on the reflector dishes.

The Cow after the lights: Full CG +FX Teslas Compositing Integration + Compositing lookdev.
2D atmos + Cow lights being procedurally controlled by the shape of the teslas on the reflector dishes.

The cave destruction: Full CG + FX Compositing Integration + Compositing lookdev.

The cave destruction: Full CG + FX Compositing Integration + Compositing lookdev.

The cow profile: The cave destruction: Full CG + FX Compositing Integration + Compositing lookdev.

The cow profile: The cave destruction: Full CG + FX Compositing Integration + Compositing lookdev.

CG Set Extension Compositing work + Plate projection

CG Set Extension Compositing work + Plate projection